Thursday, September 11, 2008


You feel the presence
of things weighing down.
things that constrict
like a py-thon
things that sits 
on your shoulders
and squeezes your neck and you feel 
the warmth of its embrace.
things clings to you
like a grabbing child, reaching, clawing
it sings to you
a somber dirge
nestled in your ear canal.
you never forget it's cadence!
how would you?
how could you?


and all the while you desire
to fling things from you. 
yet things clings
like the too-loud noise 
and shell-shocked,
you fall 
from the too-loud noise 
and shell-shocked,
you fall.

de ja vu it seems... 
yes, we've been here before.
we've seen these things.

...the apotheosis of crimes?:
then why does it linger 
infinity times?

... [pause] ...



RMDL said...

I felt a little stressed when I read this. This peom sounds dark. Almost like a voice from a behind closed doors.

This is not a poem that you like or dislike. It's one you very closely listen to..... yeah... one you listen to.

Clax10 said...

*scratches head*

I think this one was too deep for me my brotha!! LOL Keep it up tho...!