Friday, September 5, 2008

Thinking, Man.

  "Thinking, Man."  -acrylic/charcoal

1 comment:

Grover said...

Comment on "The Thinking Man"

I can see that you are an African-American Rights supporter. I will tell you what I saw in this picture, concerning your rights activities. I could be completely wrong...

I see symbolism in many aspects of this "black" man.

He is saying, "Fellow 'black' men: a suit and clean-shaven look shows dignity amongst a world that thinks low of you; piercing eyes shows motivation and a drive to further this 'downtrodden' race; glasses, as well as 'The Thinker' pose, shows how intelligence can further the race and how we can compete in matters of state and importance."
I also find that he could be pointing towards his glasses, or his head, also symbolizing how an intelligent race can overcome racism, or any obstacle.

The hints of blood on his face and brow indicate he has been beaten by the racist world, and how he has worked his fair share, perhaps more (slavery, civil rights), in search of equality and freedom. The blood on his hand, which seems to have trickled down from his face, indicate how the 'black' people have also fought and shed blood for this cause, while the liquid flow of gravity means that it is a passive fight; the kind of fighting that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. suggested.

How was that? Again, I could be completely off. After all, only the artist truly knows what it tells. Did you paint this?